Shopping for Clothes (for Lit & Low 1) …a 460-page binder bonanza of materials for Lit and Low 1 that covers: types of clothing, clothing departments, size and colour, simple shopping dialogs, methods of payment, reading flyers, use of the comparative to ask for something different (“Do you have anything __er?”), describing location in a store, asking and following directions in a mall or department store, and simple rules regarding returns. The numeracy sections cover asking and answering questions regarding size; recognizing and counting money amounts; asking and answering questions about prices; reading size labels, price tags and receipts; reading and copying flyer prices; and reading store hours. Students also learn to sound out target words in the daily phonics sequences and to read simple stories (New Shoes, Going to the Mall, and A New Suit)
Special features include:* Photocopiable student worksheets and activity masters (*by teachers at one address).* 228 pages of worksheets and activity masters* a 29-page Phonics section * a 34-page Numeracy section* a 43-page Grammar supplement * a 10-page Field Trip section * 64 pages of large picture flashcards* a class set of colour cards, for a total of 460 pages of student-centred, teacher-friendly material that both you and your students will love.
Also: * Week One Lesson Plans for both Literacy and Level 1.* A comprehensive set of page-by-page teaching hints and follow-up suggestions for both the novice and experienced teacher.* 3 stories presented in both Literacy Reader and Level 1 format.* 3 songs by B.C. artist Antonia Robertson (included in the binder CD)